What to Expect When You Visit

Worship Style

We follow a fairly traditional Methodist service, but we are pretty laid back.  Our pastor does not wear a robe and our desire is to warmly greet you.  But we won’t make you stand up and introduce yourself.  We really want you to feel at home.


All types of dress are represented from suits, ties and dresses to casual. 
Please come as you feel comfortable.


Now, our church is a little unusual in that the main entrance is in the rear- where you will find visitor and handicap parking not far from the main entrance.  The reason our church is oriented this way is because we hope to build a new sanctuary in the front one day.

Holy Communion

Like so many Methodist Churches, we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.  Our common method is wafers and little cups, but we do vary from time to time.  In this day and age we recognize that some people have special needs with gluten allergies.  Therefore, communion wafers made from rice flour are available- just indicate your need to the pastor. We believe that Holy Communion is for Christians who have turned from their sins and seek to live in peace and love with their neighbors.  If this describes you, then you are invited to share in communion with us.  You do not need to be a member or even Methodist.  The Global Methodist Church practices open communion.

For Children


A nursery is provided for children ages birth to 3.  There are worship activities for children just past this age range.  The nursery is located in the Children’s wing.  Enter through the main doors and you will see signs straight in front of you.

Children’s Message

The pastor hosts a Children’s Sermon every week except for Communion Sunday (the First Sunday of the month).

Children’s Church

After the Children’s sermon, children ages 3 years old to 3rd grade are dismissed to Children’s Church where they will enjoy an age appropriate Biblical craft or activity.  Your children are welcome to stay with you or join in Children’s Church which occurs in the Children’s wing.

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